UX Research and Analysis

Building strong connections with your audience.

Understanding your customers' behaviors, desires, and motivations is critical to delivering content and applications that are designed for maximum engagement.

Insights Start Here.

Our approach is structured to deliver the knowledge you need to ensure a successful product launch. As each project is different, the mix of research activities can scale and adjust to your needs to remain efficient and practical, respecting your budget and timelines. Experi Design will craft a plan for you to help you understand and act on real insights.

Customer Engagement

Understanding what drives and motivates your audience, along with their past and current experiences, is key to a new product that resonates and engages your customers.

  • Customer interviews
  • Survey Creation and Analysis
  • Exploration workshops
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Audience Persona Creation
Product Assessment

Knowing what you already have can identify quick wins and key gaps to help plan out priorities and features. When a product is new, we articulate  processes and procedures that the product can optimize and improve.

  • Product and Usabilty Assessment
  • User Testing
  • Content Analysis and Strategy
Competitive Analysis

Let's take a look at what is going on in your market. from quick reviews to more in-depth studies, We work with you to get a better picture of what is the current state in your industry.

  • Competitive Website Audit
  • Product Offering and Feature Matrix Development
  • Adjacent Market Research
Stakeholder Alignment

Even the best ideas can get held up internally when managing multiple expectations. We work  to align all on the vision and mission of the project.

  • Vison Mapping
  • Priority Workshops
  • Brand and Strategy Alignment
  • Executive Presentation Creation
  • Risk Assessment Workshops

Get in touch today!

To learn more about how Experi Design can assist you on your product journey, contact us to set up an initial review call and let's see how we can assist you succeed!